In light of the tense situation between Ukraine and Russia, the American Council for World Jewry has been in touch with our friends and partners in the region. Chairman Jack Rosen recently spoke with three important Mayors in Ukraine – all of whom are past participants of the International Mayors Conference that we co-organize every year in Israel: Mayor Vitali Klitschko of Kyiv, Mayor Borys Filatov of Dnipro, and Mayor Andriy Sadovvy of Lviv.


Kyiv, Dnipro, and Lviv are some of the largest and most important cities in Ukraine. Kyiv is the country’s capital and the city with the largest Jewish community. Dnipro is a cultural and religious center for Jews in Ukraine and houses a unique Holocaust museum. Meanwhile, Lviv carries a special historical importance due to the Lviv ghetto and Yanivsky concentration camp.

Amidst the talks about war with Russia, another important issue to consider is the possible evacuation of Ukraine’s Jewish community. Chairman Rosen was recently interviewed by Jewish News UK and in that conversation he emphasized how Israel would be a safe haven for Ukrainian Jews.


The conversations with the three Mayors were greatly informative. We emphasized that the Council would continue to monitor the situation, hoping that Russia and Ukraine are able to find a diplomatic solution to the current crisis.

Last modified: October 4, 2022